How Can CBD Oil Help Your Cat

CBD is one of the many cannabinoids found in cannabis. Unlike the main psychoactive component THC, CBD doesn’t get you high. With studies suggesting its use for pain management and as a potential treatment for conditions such as epilepsy, anxiety, neurological disorders, and many others, CBD is currently a very hot topic. If you’re a cat owner, you may be interested to learn that CBD can also benefit your pets!

How Does CBD for Cats Work?

Cats have an endocannabinoid system that regulates important physiological functions such as immunity, mood, sleep, and pain. Cannabinoid receptors are found all throughout the body, including the brain, nervous system, and immune system. What makes cannabis so special is that its active compounds can bind or influence these receptors.

How Can CBD Oil Help Your Cat?

Despite a mounting body of evidence on the positive effects and potential applications of CBD, the field of cannabis-related medical research is still new. Mainstream parties are finally accepting that a previously demonised substance actually poses a wide range of therapeutic applications. As such, there are few in vivo studies of CBD on cats; however, there is a wealth of anecdotal and preliminary reports that support its therapeutic action.

Among the conditions CBD can help alleviate in cats are:

  • Aggression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Lack of energy
  • Inflammation
  • Infections

There are also more serious health conditions where cat owners have reported seeing good results when administering CBD oil for cats.

These include common feline diseases such as arthritis, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and asthma, which are conditions where inflammation is often the root cause. CBD is largely known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, helping to fight both the root causes and symptoms of various conditions.

Among people, CBD is used for treating seizures, such as those experienced by patients suffering from a rare form of epilepsy known as Dravet syndrome. There is evidence that CBD is also effective for reducing seizures in cats.

How to Dose CBD for Cats

According to some veterinarians, 0.1–0.5mg of CBD per kg of your cat is recommended. Individual doses may vary depending on the specific condition your cat is suffering from, among other factors. Remember, less can be more. It is always better to start with low doses first to see how your cat responds or you can discuss with your vet to give the right dosage to your cats.

Side Effects of CBD Oil for Cats

CBD may cause a few side effects in cats. When administered in the appropriate dose, you shouldn’t notice any major changes in your cat’s behaviour.

The cannabinoid tends to produce a soothing effect in humans, and people are advised to slowly increase their dose to adjust to any sensations. The same applies to cats. You might notice that your pet becomes slightly more relaxed and less energetic after first introducing him or her to CBD.

To reduce any symptoms of lethargy, simply reduce the dosage. If need be, you can slowly work the dosage back up over time.

Rare side effects may include anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and changes in appetite. However, these effects are usually short-lived and mild.

Thanks for reading this post, if you are a pet owner, please share your experience with us.