Custom mylar bag

Sleep peacefully knowing your cannabis is stored in 100% smell proof pouches that are designed to keep the aroma from leaving. Perfect for traveling or storing your cannabis in the house, our bags will not give off any cannabis smells so your clients can keep their cannabis in privacy.

Smell Proof Mylar Bags– Odor Proof Bags

Another commonly used smell proof or odor proof bags alternative is the easy mylar bags. These bags can be found in a large range of sizes, so there’s no problem that’s too small or too huge; whether it’s a half-ounce of cannabis or a whole pound, let our odor-free bags blend these aromas away. We can produce regular and stand-up bags, which can open 2 ″ on the bottom, and can be used as a base to stand on. 

Select a practical and simple design with a sealing strip that’s easy to open and close and great sealing that will keep water, moisture, aroma, and dust out. Mylar bags are the easiest and budget effective weed storage choice on the market and have been relied on by cannabis companies of all sizes.


The thickness of smell proof bags do not just keep the smell from going out, it also makes them extremely resistant to tearing. With our bags, there is no hint of stash inside and those unaware of the hidden bag inside can’t tell any difference. These bags are smell proof and don’t leak smell when kept in one place for a longer period.

They’re Made from a Safe Material

The custom resealable bag is made from metallic Mylar and foil: 2 reliable and non-toxic materials that allow you to store products safely. There are varieties of smell-proof bags available on the marketplace– some strain styles, while others put a center of attention on usefulness and size, like our preferred stock bags.

When you’re looking for privacy, they become more convenient. Apart from keeping the products inside smell-proof and discrete, high-quality smell-free bags will ensure they stay intact from water and do not lose their rich aroma and flavor. 

They’re Multi-Functional

Whether you’d like your clients to smell proof bags during transport or storage, we have the ideal package for you. Our large choice of multi-purpose barrier Smell proof bag for weed is the packaging option you’re looking for.